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UMFA Parlor Concert in New Brighton

  • 02/16/2020
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • 2250 Mounds Ave, New Brighton, MN

This is a free sponsored series of informal member recitals. This is modeled after Nineteenth-century Schubertiades, where Franz Schubert and his friends performed for each other in their homes. The Parlor Concert Series provides a friendly and relaxed setting for performers and audiences alike. 

Concerts held in member's homes are the perfect venue to try out a new piece, have a dry run before a recital or jury, or simply enjoy the music and the company of fellow flutists. UMFA members of all ages and abilities are welcome to perform and friends or family are welcome to listen in the audience.

Here is how it works

  • UMFA provides a pianist for the event with brief rehearsal time available just before the Parlor Concert at 1-2pm

  • We also welcome works that don't require a piano, either solos or small chamber ensembles. 

  • We usually finish with a flute choir reading session and enjoy light refreshments.

February 2 is the deadline to submit music if you would like to play with the accompanist. 

All performers must register by February 9.

To register, email copy of piano part (optional), title, composer and name of performer(s) to Paula Gudmundson, UMFA Director of Development at

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