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Parlor Concert

  • 10/23/2011
  • 2:00 PM
  • 5017 Kingsdale Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437
You are invited to attend the first Parlor Concert of the season at the home of John & Joan Petroff.

Parlor Concerts provide a friendly and relaxed setting for performers and audiences alike. Concerts are held in member's homes and are the perfect venue to try out a new piece or have a dry run before a recital or jury. UMFA provides the pianist for the event (Jeana Ogren) with rehearsal time at 1:00 prior to the concert. (You may arrange for additional rehearsal time with Jeana if needed, at your expense or you may bring your own accompanist.) Performers are also welcome to play works that don't require piano.

These events are a great way to connect with other flutists in the area, and there's always plenty of food* and lively discussion following the performance. Audience members are also invited to read flute choir music at the end of the program. Just bring your flute (piccolo, alto or
bass) and a music stand if you wish to play. If you would like to perform on this concert or just wish to attend, there is still time to reserve a spot. Please contact Marcia Metzger by October 15th at or call 651-336-7138.

*Rumor has it that John may again be serving some of his homemade wine at the reception.
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