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2021 Request for Proposals

  • 01/15/2021
  • 2021 Virtual Flute Fest


  • *Must be a current UMFA member to submit a proposal.*

Registration is closed

The Upper Midwest Flute Association is accepting proposals (submissions open November 1st) for performers and presenters for the 2021 UMFA Flute Fest. Flute Fest is an opportunity for flutists of all ages and ability levels to learn more about playing the flute and it will be held online in 2021, February 19-21st.  

We welcome performers and presenters of all backgrounds and will give preference to proposals that are interactive to online participants, and which welcome and highlight the contributions of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, women, and other marginalized populations in our flute community.


  1. Must be a current UMFA member. If you are not currently an active member, please visit the UMFA Membership Page.
  2. Submit proposal by January 15, 2021 at 11:59 PM. Click "Register" to begin your application.
  3. Those who have been selected to perform or present will give a live presentation on Zoom, which may include the showing of prerecorded video, with live Q & A section at the 2021 Virtual Flute Fest, February 19-21st, 2021.
  4. Performers and Presenters chosen to present at the 2021 Virtual Flute Fest will present the same selection submitted in the original proposal. 
  5. All recordings become property of the Upper Midwest Flute Association.

In the registration form, you will need to provide the following information:

  1. Title of your Proposal
  2. The Length of the Presentation/Performance
  3. Type of Presentation or Performance
  4. Target Audience
  5. Description of your Proposal
  6. Brief description of your Proposal for Program Book (100 words or below)

Click the "REGISTER" button at the left side to submit your Proposal. 

Submission Deadline: January 15, 2021 at 11:59 PM

Proposal decisions will be sent via email on or before January 25, 2021.

Please direct any questions about the request for proposals to UMFA President Ming-Hui Lin 

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