Registration Deadline: February 5, 2021
For 2021, Rising Stars will take place as a live, online masterclass opportunity for students under 18 and with at least 1 year of playing experience.Our clinician is Alicia McQuerrey, flutist with the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra! Bring any polished piece, etude, or excerpt (no accompaniment required) and receive live coaching! Space is first-come/first-served. Masterclasses will be held in 1-hour slots between 11:30-3:30, with students grouped by age/level. Approximately 4 students will play each hour, with more time given to advanced students as time and space allows. All students are invited to audit, included with your Flute Fest registration! Sign up today!
Registration Information:
Question about Rising Stars Master Class, Please contact Vanamali Medina.