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2024 Adult Amateur Competition

  • 03/24/2024
  • ? - 11:59 PM
  • Online submission


Registration is closed

Application Deadline : March 24, 2024

The Adult Amateur Competition provides an opportunity for adults 18 years and older to compete in a solo competition and receive scholarships. Current UMFA members (may join with competition application) that are at least 18 years of age. The contest fee is $25 plus current UMFA membership. 

The Competition: All competitors will perform live at UMFA's Flute Fest, held in Saint Paul, MN on April 27th, 2024.


Winner: $150 

Runner-Up: $125 

Monetary Awards will be given to the two highest scoring individuals.


  1. All current UMFA members that are 18 years or older and are not a professional musician are eligible to compete. (If you are not currently an active member, please visit UMFA Membership Page.)

Repertoire Requirement:

* Contestants are encouraged to perform repertoire by BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) composers. *

Perform 2 pieces of your choice. The pieces must be contrasting in style, from differing musical time periods, or be composed by different composers. The total performing time needs to be more than 8 minutes but less than 12 minutes. 

How to apply:

  1. Be a UMFA member.  -> Visit UMFA Membership Page
  2. Complete the registration form by clicking "Registration" Button at the left side.

Competition Rules:

Contestants must agree to these rules:

  1. Must agree to the judge’s decision – judges are not required to award a winner if flutists do not meet UMFA standards
  2. Must perform the repertoire on the application.
  3. Must perform with an accompanist if the piece is written with accompaniment.

  4. Must be at the site ready to perform 15 minutes before assigned time.

  5. Must provide your own accompanist.

  6. Applications and fees must be submitted by March 24, 2024.

The following will result in disqualification: Contest fees will not be returned to disqualified competitors.

  1. If competitor changes repertoire after registration.
  2. If competitor is not present or late.
  3. If pieces are performed without accompaniment when the pieces required.
  4. If contestant performs different repertoire than on the application
  5. If the application is incomplete.


For questions regarding the Adult Amateur Competition, please contact

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